3 signs of a successful recording environment

With the record-keeping requirements laid out by MiFID II, many firms are intending to record all mobile communications generated by regulated staff. This is the most sensible path to choose, ensuring compliance if correctly implemented. So what does a successful recording environment look like?
1. It is easy of use
Many recording apps can be complicated to install, cause non-compliance when they have to be updated and impact call quality. Overall, this solution is just not easy to use, with complications potentially resulting in non-compliance. The same can be said for the Managing by Policy approach. Scrapping mobiles from the workplace altogether will make the day-to-day work life of regulated staff all the more inflexible and inefficient when they are restricted just to their landline.
The only feasible approach is to implement an in-network solution like Truphone Mobile Recording. This way, regulated staff can make calls and send messages as normal and with ease. Every file is stored, and with our cloud solution, can be easily accessed via a secure portal.
2. It is international
Many partners have excellent coverage inside one country but lose their capabilities when entering into regions slightly further afield. Visiting an investor in another part of the world whilst following up on a deal with a partner back home is a simple feat if your recording solution is global by design.
Truphone Mobile Recording provides a seamless service around the world that doesn't require the SIM to be changed or any further action on the user's part. They just show up and make calls, compliantly, as normal.
3. Good quality and cost
Traditional mobile operators recording global calls can result in excessive costs, due in part to them being treated as two international calls: one to the recording suite and one back home. Accordingly, the call quality suffers as data travels further and latency may mean some calls aren't compliant.
By contrast, Truphone Mobile Recording's patented Call Forking technology handles calls at a nearby point of presence (POP) with only the recorded stream routed back home. What's more, as the call itself isn't diverted, both users can enjoy a high-quality call with no delays or roaming costs.
Talk to us today about mobile recording and discover why nine of the twelve biggest investment banks (plus over 100 financial institutions) trust us to keep their teams compliant worldwide.